Services are available, depending on funding, through the CSBG/LIHEAP offices in the outlining counties. Customers must apply in the county of their residence. Please contact your local CSBG/LIHEAP office to inquire about funding availability. (Click here for CSBG/LIHEAP office locations.)
If you are interested in seeking assistance, then please note:
- Eligibility and benefits for these programs are primarily determined by the gross household income (total income of the household before deductions), number of household members, and the emergency or need of the situation.
- Documentation needed for the application includes but is not limited to:
- Current Driver's License or SC Identification card from the SC Department of Motor Vehicles, only for applicant (please note: address on ID must match current residence)
- Legible social security cards for all household members
- Proof of gross household income for the past 30 days (from date of application)
- Proof of need or emergency, which may include your most recent utility bill, a disconnect notice (if received one), an eviction notice, or any other form of documentation that shows the need for assistance
- Receipt for any unallowable amounts that cannot be paid by the agency
- Any further information needed will be communicated to applicant at the time appointment is given. Program guidelines are subject to change.
- You can also submit an online application by clicking here or downloading the LITT lite app in the Google Play App Store or Apple App Store.
For additional information, you may contact the local CSBG/LIHEAP office in your county:
Abbeville County
Cherokee County
Edgefield County
Greenwood County
Laurens County
McCormick County
Newberry County
Saluda County
Spartanburg County
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To return to the LIHEAP Homepage, click here.