Weatherization Tips
- Lower your thermostat by 5 degrees. Each degree will save you about 2% on your heating bill.
- Invest in smoke and CO detectors, placing one on each level of your home. Smoke detectors should be placed outside each bedroom. Remember to change the batteries twice a year, each time the clocks are set ahead or back for daylight savings. If the detectors are installed by GLEAMNS the battery life is approximately 10 years and are factory sealed. At the end of 10 years the entire detector should be replaced.
- Turn off lights if you are not in the room using them. Use energy efficient bulbs in fixtures that are used the most. These bulbs are more efficient and last 6 to 10 times longer than standard bulbs.
- Clean and/or replace filters on furnaces/air conditioners once a month or as needed. If you have pets inside the home, this practice will be most beneficial.
- Do not shut doors to unused rooms to save energy. Doing so only makes your unit work harder.
- Install a programmable thermostat to lower utility bills and manage your heating and cooling systems efficiently.
- Air dry your dishes instead of using your dishwasher's drying cycle.
- Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120o F.
- Take short showers instead of baths and use low-flow showerheads for additional energy savings.
- Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes.
- Air dry clothes.
- Check to see that windows and doors are closed when heating or cooling your home.
- Look for the ENERGY STAR® label on light bulbs, home appliances, electronics, and other products.
- Visit for more energy saving ideas.